The Way Forward.

The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC says it has what it takes to get the first Hydrogen Super Highway up and running within a few years, building the “First Mile Of Millions” along Woodward Avenue in Oakland County Michigan.
Ferndale, Michigan (PRWEB) November 30, 2005 -- Michigan’s Interstate Traveler Company (ITC) has the technology, the engineering and the location selected for an amazing pilot project: making Michigan the first state in the United States with its own fully independent, integrated, high speed magnetic levitation transportation rail system. The system’s MAGLEV Transportation Vehicles would be powered by its self-contained hydrogen generating solar energy-powered power system, thereby eliminating fuel cost by tapping into the Sun’s own energy.
ITC’s goal is to enable Michigan to develop a dual purpose transportation infrastructure, one which also generates large volumes of excess hydrogen along the proposed superhighway. ITC is using a process called electrolysis: electricity from solar panels laminated on its tracks turns ordinary water into Oxygen and Hydrogen. The Oxygen and Hydrogen are then cleanly distributed through the MAGLEV transportation system’s internal piping system for sale to owners of Autos, Busses and Trucks who have purchased or converted their cars to run on the fuel. This Hydrogen will be piped from the ITC rail network directly to local existing gas stations at a fraction of the cost of gasoline. This silent, pollution free fuel and transportation system is designed to eventually extend across the United States.
ITC has had interest expressed in it’s rail system by other States and a large number of Foreign Countries, all of whom have the same goal in mind: to initiate their own Hydrogen Superhighway project, but Sutton wants to start up the first leg of ITC’s transportation/infrastructure system in on Woodward Avenue in Michigan; home of the first mile of paved highway in North America, the first electric traffic light, Henry Ford’s first assembly line, and home to most of the other companies that built the automobile industry. Who better to partner with ITC than Ford Motor Company?
“We have met with the US Department of Energy as well as the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Labor Unions many times over the last three years. They are well aware of the benefits of Hydrogen Propulsion; it burns clean and will be relatively cheap, and eventually, when enough of our system is built out, it will be able to heat homes as well as power cars and trucks. They know it will reduce our demand for foreign energy sources. The AFL-CIO, the United Steel Workers of America and the Greater Detroit Building and Construction Trades Council have all provided signed letters of support.” said ITC Chairman and Founder Justin Sutton.
“Official Resolutions of Support were unanimously passed by the Michigan Legislature back in 2003 and the State of Oklahoma in 2004,” stated Sutton. “Everything is in place to revolutionize the way we travel and create a hydrogen distribution network that will serve millions of people. We have developed a virtual prototype using the finest CAD/CAM tools on the market today. Once ITC’s full scale production systems come online, we are looking at a facility that will bring jobs and business to every sector of American industry. We will use over 4,800 tons of stainless steel per mile, when we reach 54,000 miles of rail built along the United States Interstate Highways, we will have purchased over 259 million tons of stainless steel, yet the cost will be considerably less than the value of the Hydrogen and Transportation produced in the same time period. We will ultimately revitalize our nations steel industry. We will need millions of Solar Cells in Michigan alone, which means jobs for workers in the Electronics Industry. We will need computers to maintain safety, cameras to maintain security, point of sale systems, propulsion and switching computers, multimedia terminals, phones, televisions and fiber optics, likewise there will be jobs created in the Computer and Communications Industries. We will need people: people to build the rails, people to build the cars, people to build the piping systems, people to perform maintenance, people to build the cloverleaf Traveler Stations, (Who better to provide the manufacturing know how, and staff than Ford Motor Company?) people to staff the stores in the Traveler Stations, communications staff, operations staff, and so on: all made very cost efficient by the very nature of what we are building. The revitalization to our nation’s economy will be invaluable and never ending.”
Dr. Timm Finfrock, Chief Engineer for the Interstate Traveler Company explained: “One of the greatest advantages of the design of this system is scalability. There is no other public infrastructure or transportation system in the world that delivers so much and is scalable from a 3 foot gauge (width between the rails), to a 6 foot gauge to a 12 foot gauge, right out of the box. It’s completely interconnectable, allowing us to run the system into existing, narrow road ways, or expand it outward for maximum speed in wide open places over the Interstate Highways or older Rail Road Systems.” Dr. Finfrock explains: “We are at a tipping point in industrial development here in America, and around the world, as the top leaders of business, industry and science struggle to find what has long been called ‘Sustainable Growth through Sustainable Development’. ITC’s Hydrogen Super Highway is that exact solution. Working with the ITC has been not only the most exciting opportunity of my career; it has given me a chance to take part in changing the world for the better. ITC has been helping our country take a giant leap forward in sustainable development, development of infrastructure, resources and energy, all aimed at sustaining economic growth. I’m proud to be a part of a business that brings unrivaled environmental stewardship that will far surpass the pollution ceiling goals set forth in the Kyoto Accords, putting America in the lead for energy efficiency and environmental protection.”
Dr. Jack A. Shulman, the Chairman of the American Computer Science Association (ACSA) and Chief Mentor of the VISTA Business Incubator in Cranford New Jersey that has adopted the ITC Project as an “Incubatee”, added: “We have never seen such a successful assessment of the absolute need for municipal integration combined with simplicity of design in all our years searching for solutions in alternate energy sources and transportation infrastructure.” Dr. Shulman added: “The sheer energy, vitality and hope ITC has brought to the table, the remarkable promise they’ve made to the American economy, and the giant leap they are making for Mankind and for America: American Energy Independence, resoundingly convinced us to award Mr. Sutton and the ITC the merited ‘Sir Isaac Newton Award’ (NEWTY™) for scientific excellence and innovation. While we were extremely impressed with the overall management team assembled by Justin Sutton, Timm Finfrock and other founding management, we did a ‘triple take’ when we got to the part about what exactly they intended to build, technologically.”
Dr. Shulman continued: “We have looked at the entire range of remarkable ideas that have emerged during the past five years, from Paul Allen, Lord Richard Branson and Bert Rutan’s Space Ship One to Dean Kamen’s Segway to Steve Jobs and Apple’s iPod to Windows XP from Microsoft to the Biometric Smart Card to various hybrid electric autos from Honda, Toyota and others who make Hydrogen powered cars. We’ve looked at IP-Television, IP-Radio, the Blue Ray DVD and even some new as of yet unreleased computer and storage technologies, medical advances and breakthroughs coming down the pike in Energy and Cellular. No matter how amazing each of these ideas and products we looked at were, no matter how valuable they are, none of them comes even remotely close to the value of what ITC has to offer in terms of Technological Advance. When you add to that a world class management team plus ITC’s remarkable immediate break-even and ‘no foreseeable ceiling on earnings or growth’ business model, you have what they call in Pro Baseball: a true Natural, the Genuine Article. It is quite unusual for us to grant any award to a project that has not yet been built. Nonetheless, to those of us who spent time evaluating the findings about Interstate Traveler after an exhaustive study, this project is the real pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in terms of what impact it might have in improving the quality of life on Planet Earth. That was the key to this award.”
American Computer Science Association (website: story: NEWTY™:
The Hydrogen Super Highway will be able to move people and freight across the country at speeds exceeding 300 mph. It is designed to be built along the fence lines on each side of and within the right of way of the interstate highways at approximately 35 feet in the air. For a simulated ride on ITC’s Hydrogen Super Highway visit ITC will be an Oakland County Emerging Sectors Company when production begins.
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