You Too Can Telecommute.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

What in the wiki were you thinking?

Während eines Momentes die Fähigkeit sich vorstellen, Antworten zu jeder Frage, am bloßen Punkt und am Klicken deiner Maus zu finden.

Todos los apremios de “quién sabes que” ser eliminado, y que fue traducido a “qué sabes”. Solamente los individuos que pueden formular una pregunta, obtienen las respuestas correctas, y después utilizan esa información, sobrevivirían.

Si toute l'interaction, concernant toutes les matières, transpirait seulement sous la forme des textes. La quantité de l'information sur n'importe quel sujet indiqué s'accumulerait très rapidement. Laisse maintenant s'ajouter à l'équation, celle les individus faisant toute cet agir l'un sur l'autre, ont été considérés des experts dans leur domaine (expert défini en tant que collègue respecté avec un excès de 20 ans d'expérience). Non seulement auriez-vous beaucoup d'information accumulée, il seriez l'information valable.

Nel mondo del wiki così exsists immaginari del posto. Tuttavia, probablly non sui soggetti più importanti ai funzionamenti di questo reparto, né su questa società. Come sempre più dei nostri colleghe ritirar, noi testimonierà non solo in questo reparto ma nei reparti attraverso questa intera organizzazione, negli anni di esperienza importante e nella conoscenza ambulanti fuori il portello. Ma il nostro collegamento a quell'intelligenza più grande non deve.

Talvez, em vez de um bolo e de um relógio do ouro no dia da aposentadoria, os aposentados recieve um laptop e uma oportunidade compartilhar de sua perícia com mais menos saber. O que se cada vez um colega de trabalho tiver uma pergunta sobre qualquer tópico, não somente recieve os montes da informação a respeito de sua pergunta, mas uma mensagem simples que indica “SE VOCÊ REQUERER ALGUMA EXPLANAÇÃO MAIS ADICIONAL CONTATAR POR FAVOR “O MAIS MELHOR E O MAIS BRILHANTE”. No ponto e no clique de seu rato iria um email “O MAIS MELHOR E O MAIS BRILHANTE” a responder à pergunta posed na comunidade do wiki.

التراسل سيكون مختلفا تماما معني المتقاعدين الذين سيحصلون علي تعويضات عادله واستمرار مساهمتها في الشركه من خارج الاسوار

You may be thinking what does this all mean. But you see it doesn't matter, because no one is listening anyway.

The views stated in this blog are only the views of the author and no way reflect the views of management.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Blogger is, what Blogger does.

The previous post from my team member raises yet another question.

Does "the company" currently have blogging policies in place?

If not, why not, if so, where?

Blogging is a valuable tool for individuals to share ideas that ordinarily wouldn't be expressed, with documentation to support their personal points of view.

The beauty of this tool is the ability to express ourselves in a productive, creative, innovative, and cost effective way.

However, we as a team, need some sort of supporting policy, or procedure that addresses blogging within corporate guidelines.

Until polices are in place, we must refrain from sharing any specific information regarding numbers, specific equipment requirements, connectivity, or anything that may be considered proprietary information, on this site.

I encourage you to read this ariticle from 5/25/06 New York Times.,

Where do we go from here?

What tools do we have at our disposal, that will allow us to share information at the speed of light, in real time, to everyone with the ease and agility that blogging provides?,

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What's the next move?

Cost reduction strategies can not be accomplished without the knowledge of the number we are trying to reduce.

On a per month basis, How "expensive" is the MOMS room?
Cost of space...
Cost of corporate liablity insurance...
Cost of utilities...
Cost of furniture...
Cost of computer equipment...
Cost of telephone lines...
Cost of system connectivity...
Cost of contracting agency...
Cost of human "talent"...

Cost to corporation to shift expenses to a "new" space...

Cost to determine where a "new" space might be...
Cost to reach an agreement where that "new" space will be...
Cost to determine what our needs are in the "new" space...
Cost to reach an agreement as to what our needs are in the "new" space...
Cost to "build out" a "new" space to meet our needs...
Cost to determine who would "build out" the "new" space...
Cost of people "building out" the "new" space...

Cost of "new" space...

Cost to determine what "new" computer equipment would be required to meet our needs...
Cost to determine who would setup the "new" computer equipment...
Cost of people setting up the "new" computer equipment...
Cost of "new" computer equipment...

Cost of "new" corporate liablity insurance...

Cost of "new" utilities...

Cost of determining what "new " furniture would fit our needs...
Cost to determine who would set up the "new" furniture...
Cost to set up "new" furniture...
Cost of "new" furniture...

Cost of determining what telephones are required...
Cost of determining who would install the "new" telephone lines...
Cost of people installing the "new" telephone lines...
Cost of "new" telephone lines...

Cost of determining "new" system connectivity required...
Cost of determining who would install the "new" system connectivity...
Cost of people installing the "new" system connectivity...
Cost of "new"system connectivity...

Cost of human "talent" (salaries)...
Cost of contracting agency (Amount paid to contracting agency - Amount paid "talent")...

Cost of determining these costs...

Cost to corporation to shift expenses to telecommuting...

Cost of determining "new" system connectivity required...
Cost of determining who would install the "new" system connectivity...
Cost of people installing the "new" system connectivity...
Cost of "new" system connectivity...

Cost of determining what telephones are required...
Cost of determining who would install the "new" telephone lines...
Cost of people installing the "new" telephone lines...
Cost of "new" telephone lines...

Cost to determine what "new" computer equipment would be required to meet our needs...
Cost to determine who would setup the "new" computer equipment...
Cost of people setting up the "new" computer equipment...
Cost of "new" computer equipment...

Cost of human "talent" (salaries)...
Cost of contracting agency (Amount paid to contracting agency - Amount paid to "talent")...

Savings to the corporation...

Cost to determine where a "new" space might be...
Cost to reach an agreement where that "new" space will be...
Cost to determine what our needs are in the "new" space...
Cost to reach an agreement as to what our needs are in the "new" space...
Cost to "build out" a "new" space to meet our needs...
Cost to determine who would "build out" the "new" space...
Cost of people "building out" the "new" space...

Cost of "new" space...

Cost of "new" corporate liablity insurance...

Cost of "new" utilities...

Cost of determining what "new " furniture would fit our needs...
Cost to determine who would set up the "new" furniture...
Cost to set up "new" furniture...
Cost of "new" furniture...

Show me the numbers.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Time to Telecommute?

What other topics should be discussed?


Benefits to Corporation - Cost Effectiveness:

Technology - Communication:

Technology - Equipment:

Benefits to Human Resources - Cost Effectiveness:

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Out of Necessity?

Working from home, what would that look like?

What benefits will "the company" gain?
Disaster Recovery...
Homeland Security...
Pandemic Flu...
The CEO has address all of these topics in the news, have you been listening?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Dear Bill

Dear Bill:

In todays business environment, the opportunity to catch someone's ear has become more and more difficult.

However, at the speed of light I can now contact you directly with a point and click of my mouse. Isn't technology a beautiful thing?

I would like to extend an invitation to you, to join us in the MOMS room, as we embrace your vision, of a more productive, creative, innovative, and cost effective way of conducting your business.

Your Co-workers

Detroit News May 19, 2006
Detroit New May 17, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Thinking beyond myself...

To my shock and amazement "the company" has Telecommuting policies in place, who knew?

As stated so beautifully....

Program Description
Telecommuting is a voluntary agreement between an employee and local management whereby the employee performs a portion of normally scheduled work from an agreed upon alernate work site. The employee may work one to four days from the alternate work site in accordance with an agreed upon work schedule.

Program Benefits
Telecommuting allows the Company to increase employee satisfaction while improving productivity, quality, and timeliness of work. Office space savings, increased employee retention, commitment and morale, decreased turnover, improved recruiting and lower stress levels are benefits that may result from telecommuting.

All U.S. salaried employees of "the company"and its subsidiaries are eligible to apply to their local management for a telecummuting arrangement. Although there is a minimum period of service required to be eligible to telecommute, the program is not recommended for new hires. It is important that new hires have time to acclimate to the "the company" environment, as well as management have an opportunity to evaluate the new hire's work style and performance. Such agranagements should be made on a case by case basis by local management.

Telecommuting is not an employee entitlement. Management has the right to approve, modify, deny or terminate a telecommuting arangement at any time with or without cause.

Local management is responsible for costs associated with the telecommuting arrangement. To ensure a quality program, local mangement must provide a laptop, phone line installation and service, and off-site access to the company network. Additional equipment requests are local management's discretion, However, in most cases, additional equipment should not be required.

A telecommuting arragement has no impact on an employee's compensation or benefits.

Approval Process
Review the corporate Telecommuting Expanded Policy, and discuss the appropriateness of such an arrangement with your immediate supervisor/manager. Complete the Telecommuting Agreement, located in the Expanded Policy, and obtain sugnatures form your immediate supervisor/manager, local Human Resourses and Systems support.

The employee should work with his/her local Systems support group to obtain the necessary computer hardware and training information. Necessary computer hardware procurement, setup, and training may take up to four weeks, after which the employee will be able to begin telecommuting.